The way to your personal enrichment may be blocked. The spiritual, emotional, and mental anguish caused by doubt and double mindedness leaves us unsuccessful and ever-reaching for a relationship with God. The secret to obtaining all things for our enjoyment is trust in the Lord.

How do you view your relationship with God or His promised provisions? The secular view of Godly provisions as merely being ethereal and unattainable in the natural world is the second most divisive ideology. The first is mistrust. Most generally lack the confidence of God's love and mistrusts his willingness to provide. These divisive ideologies serve to separate you from the glorious riches God has for you.
When building trust in God, it seems almost counterintuitive to say, "stop attending church, stop bible reading, stop praying." But, these are the common practices used in faith building, not trust building. Trust is built when truth is spoken. God cannot lie.
"Tell the people ... to trust in God, who richly provides us with all things for our enjoyment; Safely treasure up for themselves a good foundation for the future, that they may lay hold on that which is real life."
All Things for our Enjoyment
The Spirit says, “tell the people to Trust in God.” He asks us to trust him, believe it when he speaks. It can be exceedingly difficult to trust that it is God who speaks from inside of us, but without that trust, we cannot feel safe and without a safe feeling, we can never believe without a doubt that he truly loves us. We can be sure of the love God has for us because of the ultimate sacrifice He made to balanced the scales of justice when He exchanged his son's life for our life.
The Bible says that our Heavenly Father cannot lie. We can trust God because his ways are always right, and he speaks truth. Trust is the building block in any relationship. Trust in God is the key factor in obtaining all things for our enjoyment; because, doubt or double mindedness make receiving impossible. Doubt and double mindedness block our passageways with the Spirit. It eliminates our ability to gather things for a good life.
But we don’t need to worry. Our Heavenly Father placed inside of us a Special Spirit, a promise for success. By operating together with the Spirit, we can overcome every obstacle. In that Spirit, we must maintain a type of trust fortified with endurance, consistent patience and a single-minded focus. A solid type of trust, ensures we receive the good things that God has stored up for us. So that we may make a good foundation for our future. If you would like to learn more, Part 8 Emergence of Glory in the book entitled, I Am God covers this material thoroughly.
By placing our total trust in God, not leaving any room for doubt, will ensure that we live the real life and have a treasure of all things for a good foundation throughout time. So the Spirit says, “Tell the people,’ to trust in God, who richly provides us with all things for our enjoyment; Safely treasure up for themselves a good foundation for the future, that they may lay hold on the real life.’”